Air Sparging/Soil Vapor Extraction for Contaminated Site Remediation

A pilot-scale air sparging/soil vapor extraction system was designed and built at a contaminated site in Columbia, South Carolina. The soils at the site are sandy clays and clayey sands that have low intrinsic permeabilities and exhibit heterogeniety. The pilot system was implemented to investigate the feasibility of air sparging/soil vapor extraction to address contamination by gasoline hydrocarbons in this low permeability environment. The pilot system was able to remove a substantial amount of hydrocarbons from the source area at the site. Well losses and heterogeneities were found to be important to site evaluation, system design, and operation.

Related Publications

Aelion, C.M., J.N. Shaw, R.P. Ray, M.A. Widdowson, and H.W. Reeves, "Simplified Methods for Monitoring Petroleum-Contaminated Ground Water and Soil Vapor," Journal of Soil Contamination, 4,3, 225-241, 1996.

Widdowson, M.A., R.P. Ray, H.W. Reeves, and C.M. Aelion, "Integrated Site Characterization for SVE Design," Geoenvironment 2000, Volume 2, Edited by Acar, Y.B. and Daniel, D.E., ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 46, pgs. 1291-1305, 1995.

Widdowson, M.A., O.R. Haney, H.W. Reeves, C.M. Aelion, and R.P. Ray, "A Multi-Level Soil Vapor Extraction Test for Heterogeneous Soils," ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, accepted for publiction, 1996.

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